Speaker for Educators

autism in the classroom, David Petrovic

Autism in the Classroom

There are three avenues through which David can enhance professional development and student learning!

1. Invite David to your next faculty meeting, in-service day, or conference for a unique, valuable, and memorable presentation: “Insights from Both Sides of the Desk”

David imparts practical information that helps educators understand the needs of their students with autism and students with learning differences, whether in mainstreamed classrooms or special education settings. Supplementing the knowledge and expertise teachers receive through academic training, David enables his audiences to understand and experience life with autism, unlocking comprehension and empathy that take teaching to a new level. 

David provides strategies that have worked for him, both as a teacher and as a student with special learning needs. This talk is intended for faculty, associated service providers, and auxiliary staff. 

Talks for Future Professionals

2. Invite David into your classrooms or student association meetings to enlighten future educators, counselors, and therapists.

David shares his knowledge and perspectives with aspiring professionals in many fields, especially psychology, education, special education, and therapy (speech, occupational or physical therapies). 

Assign our Book!

3. Consider assigning our book as a required reading in coursework, supplementary assigned summer reading, or as a suggested reading for educators/staff