A “MUST-READ” as Unique as the Times

Just released! A wonderful book born from post-pandemic trepidation. 

During lockdown, it became apparent from conversations, news, and media that likely everyone was struggling with the stress of life and freedoms being snatched away. The unpredictability and uncertainty of the READ MORE

Back to Life!

We have been remiss in posting a blog for a while, but that is because we have been happily reintegrating into our new, old lives! 

Family reunions, graduation and wedding celebrations, trips to see out-of-town children, theatre involvement, and going READ MORE

The Challenge of Change

As a person with autism, I thrive in structure. I need an organized schedule in which a routine is established. Change is difficult for me to handle. As an example, going back a few months, I really struggled with trying … READ MORE

Glass Half Full

Yes, our lives have been up-ended and challenged by COVID-19. Fear, upset, and anxiety are to be expected, as well as disappointment and mourning for cancelled events and occasions. But through all this, I can’t help but try to find … READ MORE